Thursday, August 1, 2013

5 Things I'd do with Magic

       I know it's a day late, but in honor of Harry potter's 33rd birthday, I've created a list of five things I'd do in this theoretical situation.

       Ok, so, you wake up one morning and find this on your door step:

       When I open the letter and get over the disappointment of it not being breadcrumbs, I read:
       Dear Lydia,
              This may seem kinda weird but you have magic so heres a wand and a book of every spell ever                      created in fiction. Go crazy, we'll turn a blind eye.

                                                                                                        Ministry of Magic

       May I also point out that according to pottermore I have a Phoenix Feather pear because I'm independent  sometimes detached, warm hearted, generous, and wise. According to it I'm popular (ok then) and well respected. ANYWAYS!

       So, not counting all the goodness and love towards muggles, these are the five things I'd do with magic.

1. Produce and Surprise Muggles with a Patronus

       Wouldn't you. You could place your wand in your locker or something and then your friend would be all like:

       It'd be awesome! They'd run away all shocked and afraid while you walk the other way, wand in had, triumphantly.

2. Become the Ninja of Fireworks

       What choice does a LotR fan have? If you have magical powers you're aloud to show off, I'd show off! I'd love to be like Gandalf, all cool and stuff making these really badass fireworks that I become famous for. That, my friend, would be the life.

3. Make a Real Life Nyan Cat

       Ok, this one isn't as normal as the last two. I just have this small love for Nyan cat so I'd take acherry poptart. eat one, then half transfigure the other to a cat then cast some spell to make it poop rainbows! And of course do "Wingardium Leviosa" on it. it would be so amazing to have a little Nyan Cat flyin' around my house!

4. Become a Legilimen

       For those of you who don't know, it's a wizard or witch who can harness the powers of legilimency, or mind reading for you muggles.
       I've always wanted to read minds since, like, forever. Who wouldn't? I hate when I can't figure something out, so then I could easily calm myself down by reassuring myself that people aren't out to et me. Or why they did something nice, etc.

5. Turn People Who Annoy Me to Toads

       or newts for you Monty Python fans. I know it's goofy and stuff, but come on! Who wouldn't want to do that.
       Like, there's always that ONE person who just hates you and is consistently rude to you.

       In my case his family really doesn't like mine, we don't like them, it's like the Weasleys and Malfoys in more ways than one...

       Problem Solved. :)


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