Friday, July 26, 2013

The Art Class Reaping

       Yep. We had a Reaping in art class. Well, I was one of the two people there who knew it was a Reaping and Sarah and I were two of the greatest bad-asses of all time (in our heads anyways) but it was still one of the greatest moments of my life.

       So, I guess I should give you a bit of background first.

       Sarah and I had literally every class together in eighth grade, except for the last class on alternating days. In our core classes, we generally had nerds all around us to understand references and make them and generally have an appreciation for all things awesome cause we were in the advanced classes.
       Not art.
       Our art class was mostly really... non nerdy people who were really really full of themselves and obnoxious and ugh, it was boring cause we had art last class on alternating days right after PE and by then I was exhausted and we had exhausted every interesting topic we could talk about (as we would have to talk a minimum of thirty hours a week during school)
        In art class, on the Fridays we had it, we had this raffle for candy and no one actually cared about it.... until we hatched our master plan.
       We put Primrose Everdeen on our raffle tickets for eight months. I wore my hair in a dutch braid every other Friday for eight months. I put my mocking jay pin on my black jacket for six months (cause it was too warm in August and September)

       Sarah kept asking to pull the raffle, and they we're letting her, and then she pulled one, looked at it, and I knew. I knew what was about to happen.

       I should also tell you that I am loud. My whisper is an "indoor voice." People never have to tell me to speak up, and when I want to be heard, the whole planet will hear me.

       Sarah read the purple piece of paper and smiled as she looked up.
       I didn't just say "I volunteer as tribute." No. I leapt up and screamed it at the top of my lungs so I got looks similar from the ones illustrated from everyone in the entire class.

       You would not believe the satisfaction it caused.
       The art class was used to me and Sarah being calm and quiet and keeping to ourselves but we flipped out. We were so proud it was amazing we flipped out all the way to the buses and for the next week. 

       It was one of the proudest moments of my entire life.

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